RK, Dostyk Avenue 180 info@pvp-snk.kz +7 (727) 232-23-34 Сall me back


Areas of application of analyzers

Metals and alloys
Metals and alloys
Quickly, accurately and reliably determines the composition of materials, identifies the brand and identifies defects
Precious metals
Precious metals
Accurate determination of the gold sample in seconds. Analysis of silver and platinum. Definition of gilding


Precise determination of the content for cost estimation when buying used autocatalysts
Allows for a quick assessment of soils, ores and other hard rocks
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About the company

The company LLC "Production and Implementation Enterprise "SNK" is the official authorized distributor of Olympus NDT.

Our company holds a leading position in the supply of Olympus products in the Republic of Kazakhstan, the neighboring countries of Asia and Transcaucasia.

We offer solutions for complex chemical analysis of metals and alloys, determination of the contents of precious metals in automotive and industrial catalysts and particulate filters, mineral prospecting and rock analysis, including gold prospecting, control of jewelry and ingots, and much more.

We offer analyzers of chemical composition of metals and alloys, all devices are designed to work in the most aggressive environments anywhere in the world.

LLC "PVP "SNK" is an Olympus dealer in the following areas:

  • Vanta portable X-ray fluorescence analyzers
  • Stationary analyzers
  • In-Line analyzers

Get expert advice

Our advantages

The main supplier of equipment in the Republic of Kazakhstan,
the near countries of Asia and Transcaucasia


o-2.pngThe leader in sales of X-ray analyzers and equipment for chemical analysis
o-1.pngMore than 20 specialists and service engineers who have been trained abroad
o-3.pngWe provide free delivery of equipment and training of your operators
o-4.pngWe have carried out more than 1,500 cross-border deliveries of equipment across the CIS

More about us

Our clients



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Contact us:

Phone number: +7 (727) 232-23-34

E-mail: info@pvp-snk.kz

Almaty 050042, Republic of Kazakhstan, Dostyk Avenue 180, office 41, Koktem Towers Business Center, (4th floor)

Office opening hours:
Weekday: 9.00-18.00
